1.Was it a cash flow problem, an example of overreaching , or were brand buyers turning their backs on Shanghai Tang's distinctive style?
2.Jackie Kennedy attracts attention for her distinctive style and love of fashion.
3.In addition, the distinctive style and personality characteristics chair is able to compete successfully in a magic weapon for the victory.
4.Southeast Asia garden with its distinctive style characteristic deduce strong romantic amorous feelings, held by people's hot.
5.This area pools three genres of Zheng with its distinctive style of passion and grace: Hakka Zheng, Chaozhou Zheng and Fujian Zheng.
6.influenced by japanese trends and our own western colonial characteristics , we established a distinctive style of our own.
7.Chicago's cultural heritage includes its distinctive style of live music, known as Chicago blues.
8.If there is no distinctive style of a brand is difficult to display the product to achieve satisfactory results.
9."Botero is an artist that uses his distinctive style to comment on all facets of human life, " said New Orleans Museum of Art Director E.
10.Appreciate and understand your spouse's distinctive style, approach and personality - especially when it perges from yours.